The Huka Lodge here on the North Island and the Otahuna Lodge on the South Island stand out as the most spectacular of the trip, with stiff competition from the rest. This clip from their web site captures the mood:
The lodge began around 1920 as a rustic getaway for passionate fly fishermen. It began to evolve into a luxury estate in the 1980s. Visitors include Bill Gates, Rod Stewart, James Mitchener, and Michael Douglas. Although New Zealand has not been a colony of the United Kingdom since 1907, Queen Elizabeth II visited the former colony on several occasions. On at least four visits, she stayed at the Huka Lodge. She dined in this dining room.
Sheree Eric Jessica Bob |
Why they would allow the likes of us to dine there as well remains uncertain.
But wait, there's more. The activities were numerous. We only scratched the surface. Out the back doors of our rooms was the Waikato River with a swift current, just as it becomes whitewater leading to Huka Falls, a 15 minute walk from our lodge.
Our "back yard" |
Huka Falls |
This picture was taken from an observation deck over the falls. We would have an opportunity later to see the falls up close and sprayed.
Let me introduce - hukafalls JET
We did that! Our fearless pilot, she took time-out to take this picture of us wet and happy.
The Jet Boat was our morning adventure. Our afternoon was more sedate but just as thrilling. Lake Taupō is the largest lake in New Zealand, covering 240 square miles. It is a crater lake, located in the caldera of the Taupō Volcano.
The afternoon was one of total relaxation. We enjoyed a quiet boat ride across the lake, sipping wine, and headed for the famous Māori rock carvings. The Māori are descendants of the Polynesians who arrived in New Zealand only 700 or 800 years ago. Before that, the only mammals in or near New Zealand were bats and dolphins. There were LOTS of birds, some huge and flightless - hunted to extinction. For more information about the rock carving and links to information about the Māori, click here. Please watch the video on the web site.
Next came fishing. There is an abundance of rainbow and brown trout. Only artificial lures can be used. That worked.
We had the freshest rainbow trout ever for lunch. It was a wonderful day, but I was tired. I did need to get recharged before evening.
I have been reminded that any blog entry about the Huka Lodge would be incomplete without mention of Gertrude. |
Gertrude |
Gertrude welcomes each guest individually, and ingratiates herself at your table as well during meals. If you leave your room unattended with the back door open, Gertrude is likely to make herself welcome, explore your possessions, and make herself comfortable on your bed. So far, she has avoided being on the menu.
Birds abound! Here is a sampling:
Crayfish is considered a delicacy by all in New Zealand |