Saturday, April 14, 2018

Delaire Graf Estate Gardens & Tokara Wine Estate

Our trip continued from Stellenbosch to the small town of Greyton. On the way, we stopped to admire the gardens at Delaire and the wines of the Tokara vineyards.

Delaire Graff Estate
photo from their web site

We are talking serious opulence here. Lawrence Graf made his money over the last 55 years as a dominant force in the South African diamond industry. The Delaire Graff Estate was constructed from 2003 to 2009. The background scenery, the gardens, the art, and the jewelry were breathtaking.

Die Dompas Moet Brand!

(The Passbook Must Burn)
by Hank Willis Thomas

The piece memorializes the burning of government identification by race during apartheid.

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