Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Resistance 1940-1944

This Friday, Peter, Martha, Erica, Jessica, Eric (and another visiting American friend) took the walking Left Bank tour of the Resistance and Occupation given by our friend Mary-Ellen.  We want to put in a plug for Mary-Ellen, a seasoned English language tour guide with Paris Walks found here and more detail about the tour guides including Mary-Ellen here.

The Entourage

     Using plaques, sculptures, photographs and written testimonies from ordinary people who did heroic acts during the German occupation of France, we learned about everyday life during the Occupation, including poignant stories about how the secret resistance operated, always at great risk of torture and death.  Participation in the Resistance was always of short duration (six months being the maximum time allowed). There were betrayals by neighbors and co-workers.  Mary-Ellen talked about the plight of the Jews living in France and the round ups.  The most heartbreaking moment of the tour was when Mary-Ellen read the last letters students wrote to their parents just before their executions.  It was a very powerful learning experience for all of us. 
Étudiants morts dans la Résistance
Bronze statue in Jardin du Luxembourg of two young men.
One is falling; the other stands proud.
Ami, si tu tombes, un ami sort de l'ombre à ta place.
Friend, when you fall, a friend will step out of the shadow and take your place.

We thought you might enjoy reading an abbreviated English translation of DeGaulle’s famous appeal to the French people on June 18, 1940 to rise up against the Germans, often considered the start of the Resistance.
"The leaders who, for many years, have been at the head of the French armies have formed a government. This government, alleging the defeat of our armies, has made contact with the enemy in order to stop the fighting. It is true, we were, we are, overwhelmed by the mechanical, ground and air forces of the enemy…
"But has the last word been said? Must hope disappear? Is defeat final? No!
Believe me, I who am speaking to you with full knowledge of the facts, and who tell you that nothing is lost for France…For France is not alone! She is not alone! She is not alone! She has a vast Empire behind her… 
"This war is not limited to the unfortunate territory of our country…This war is a worldwide war…Vanquished today by mechanical force, in the future we will be able to overcome by a superior mechanical force. The fate of the world depends on it. 
"I, General de Gaulle, currently in London, invite the officers and the French soldiers who are located in British territory or who might end up here…to put themselves in contact with me. 
"Whatever happens, the flame of the French resistance must not be extinguished and will not be extinguished…
                   Charles DeGaulle 18-June, 1940

Holes remain in the wall since August 1944,
from bullets shot during the liberation of Paris.

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